Neighbor Support Center
The Neighbor Support Center welcomes all neighbors in need, no matter the situation.
Here is a brief overview of the resources in the Neighbor Support Center and how you can access them. If you are in need of assistance that is not listed here, please call or come see us. We're here for you, in whatever way you need.
Neighbor Support Center Hours: Monday-Friday 9am until 2pm
(actual resource hours may vary, see below)
All services listed below are free for community members:
Hot Meals
Breakfast (9:30am until 10:30am)​
Lunch (12pm until 2pm)
Meals must be consumed on site, no to go options available
Laundry machines with detergent (9am until 12:30pm)
Shower (9am until 1:30pm)
Clothing closet (9am until 1:30pm)
Free coffee, water and snacks
Gym access for sports groups
Resource Navigation​
Health Care Connections​